My best friend

The definition of a best friend is the one friend who is closest to you, but I think a best friend is more than just a close friend. A best friend is supportive and loving. Best friends have a good time together and can work through every fight. The best way to describe a best friend is to describe my best friend, who happens to be my beautiful mother.
My mother has always been there for me and loved me though every mistake I made. I must admit that I have done things that I thought she would never know about, and after she found out, she loved me just the same. For example, in fourth grade I was playing basketball in the house after she specifically told me not to, and broke off the end of our blinds. I assumed clear tape would hide the fact that I broke her blinds, but tape only holds up for so long. She found out and punished me, but quickly forgave and forgot.
My mom legitimately cares about me. Every day after school, my mom asks me how my day was. She doesn’t ask to get a yes or no answer. She wants to know every good and bad part of my day because she wants to know my thoughts, my feelings, and what my life is like.
Usually, I’m attached to her right hip. We are always together, except when I’m a school. Her job is babysitting babies during the day, so as soon as school is over, she can focus on me and my sister. My best friend spends most of her time focusing on her family and friends, which goes to show how amazing she is.
My friendship between me and my mom is so strong because we love each other no matter what, we are quick to forgive, and we care. My mother goes above and beyond the expectations of being my best friend, while still being a responsible mother.

My Most Prized Possession

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” a common saying that applies when talking about books or people or objects. My prized possessions cover has a red background with 7 letters placed in the middle. The letters are written in white and outlined in black. The possession comes in various shapes and sizes, from the iPhone screen, to the biggest television that money can buy. While the image I painted may appear simple, it is actually complex, because behind the red background, over ten thousand movies and television shows are held. To an oblivious adult, my Netflix account appears to be movies and television shows that are wasting time, but Netflix is actually a distraction from the real world. Netflix is kind of like books. It allows an escape into another world, minus the headaches that books occasionally give me. This is why my Netflix account has recently become something very important to me and is now my most prized possession.
Netflix was given to me by my mother, who thought at such a cheap price, 7.99 a month to be exact, it would be fun to try. Little did she know, Netflix would be very valuable to her teenage daughter. Two weeks later, my unfinished homework was strewn across the unmade bed. My chemistry book opened to last weeks lesson. My planner colored with important activities. My pencils, pens, and highlighters, all signed with bite marks, surrounded me, a young procrastinator, while I focused very hard on the laptop screen streaming the last season of Gossip Girl. My droopy, blood shot eyes said I was exhausted. “This is the last one, I promise,” I whispered, clicking next episode, even though I knew it wasn’t.
While Netflix is addicting, it brings me relief when I’m stressed. It takes my mind off important things in life and allows me to get away. That is very valuable in today’s society. Technically, I’m stating that Netflix is most prized possession. Netflix carries the relief that teenagers desperately want. The simple Netflix account is valuable, but if you open up the book and look past the cover, the relief is the value I desperately cling to.

The Blueprint Selection

I spun in circles, soaking in the warm sun. The humid atmosphere causing sweat drops to trickle down my glistening wings. The trees around me towered over my head, but then again most things did. I stepped off the yellow leaf and flapped my wings so I could hover over the bird’s nest, getting a closer listen at their beautiful melodies. The wind whipped through my hair and flapped my blue, silky dress. It was very peaceful until suddenly, my wings disappeared. I bounced off the nest and plunged towards the earth. My bare back slammed into the mattress and the breath was knocked out of me. I opened my eyes and stared at the white, popcorn ceiling that enclosed the room where my imagination sprouted. My imagination was always hidden until I strutted into my sister’s bedroom. It was the one place where we could be whatever we wanted. The only problem with her room was that it wasn’t mine. I had bunk beds, which made jumping difficult. Being the older sister, I took over her room and she just let me walk all over her.

“Mackenzie, why did you trip me?” I questioned my younger sister, who still had a tight grip on my ankle, “I was about to feed the birds.”

“You can’t have all the fun parts! I want to fly and play with the birds too.” Mackenzie pouted.

“You are too young. Your wings haven’t fully developed,” I argued,” Maybe in a few years you can fly high like me. Now, throw some pixie dust on me.” I handed her a bag of gold glitter, stood back up, and began to bounce on the bed again.

I looked down at my pitiful sister stirring her pointer finger in the zip lock bag full of gold glitter. For a quick moment, I felt sorry for my manipulative sister. She looked innocent and helpless. My sister needed me to be her friend, not a bully. I was a guest in her room, even though I felt superior.
“Fine,” I mumbled softly, “Come be a fire fairy. I’ll teach you how, if you promise to be nice.” Mackenzie smirked, hopped up on the bed, and wrapped her arms around my waist. Her room was the place where we bonded and grew an important sister relationship.

Semester Project

What i learned was that when you put different substances together it might create a chemical reaction.

What I liked about our project was that it was really fun.

I wish I knew more about what was inside the substances that caused a chemical reaction

Niagra Falls

12,300 years ago, the water flew over the edge of the Niagara Escarpment, a cliff at what is now Lewiston, New York. The force of the water eroded the rock layers and Niagara Falls moved upstream, eventually reaching its present location The Niagara Falls formation is a slow process that continues today. I think that since this process has continued for hundreds of years, I believe that this process will continue for the next few million years. Image Detailf

How did the universe begin?

I believe that God created the heavens and the earth. in the bible it says he started with light and finished with humans. It took him seven days. God doesn’t say much about how he created it because we can barely fathom that God just said let there be light and there was. the universe is so big that we can’t even wrap our minds around how big it is, so imagine if he told us exactly what happened? It would be hard to believe. I just have to trust that God made Earth and the universe.

What really happens in a chemical reaction?

Every chemical reaction starts with one or more reactants. Atoms, molecules or free electrons can participate. They combine, swap atoms or decompose into the reaction’s products. To have a chemical reaction, the reactants must be at a finite temperature. At absolute zero, molecules lack the energy to react. Generally, the higher the temperature, the faster reactions proceed.


Why is lab safety important?

Lab safety is important because you don’t want to hurt someone by doing something stupid. For instance if you were working with toxic chemicals and you thought it would be fun to taste it, you would probably die. Or if you somehow got a chemical in your eye it would be unfortunate, because eyes are irreplaceable and can easily be damaged. Also if you have long hair it could get caught in a burner and get caught on fire. These are just a few hazards. Lab safety is really important, and has been set as a law by the government for a reason.

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