#3 Esperanza’s Home
Esperanza belongs on a house on Mango Street. The only problem with that is she doesn’t want to belong. People like Alicia pointed out Esperanza’s house, connecting her to it, but Esperanza would deny it, hoping it would just disappear. Esperanza states, “No, this isn’t my house I say and shake my head as if shaking could undo the year I’ve lived here. I don’t belong. I don’t ever want to come from here”(Cisnero 106). Esperanza sleeps at a house on Mango Street. She eats her breakfast there. She brushes her teeth and takes showers there. She gets dressed there. When she leaves school, she comes home to her family on Mango Street. Even though she doesn’t like it, her home is on Mango Street.
When Esperanza gets older, she wants to live in a nice house. She wants to be far away from poverty and Mango Street. She doesn’t want people to look at her house and point in disgust. She wants for others to be surprised by her house. She identifies herself with her house, so if she is proud of her home, then she can be proud of her house. However, no matter what, the house on Mango Street will always be her home, where she once belonged. She cannot make it go away or delete it from her past.