#7 Conversation Across Time

“No, You mustn’t do it! You can’t marry the marshmallow salesman. I know that you are marrying him because you want to escape your crazy father. I understand because I married Curly to escape my unsupportive mother,” Curly’s wife pleaded. “It will only cause more pain later. If he is wanting a 13 year old girl then he will continue to want a younger girl. He might even leave you for a younger girl when you start to age. I know that marshmallow salesmen. He has a bad temper and won’t want you to leave the house. He will want to keep you all to himself. The husbands always hold their wifes back just as much as the parents did. Besides all of that, you are barely a teenager. You are way to young touphold the responsibilities of being a wife.”
“I am not trying to escape my father. I love my father very much. The only thing I love more than my father is the marshmallow salesman,” Sally snapped, sticking her tongue out.
“That is proof right there,” Curly’s wife asserted, grabbing a hold of Sally’s tongue. “If you are young enough to stick your tongue out at people, then you are too young to marry. Please, Sally do not make the same mistake as me. You will regret it in a few years. You will enjoy playing house for a while but soon it won’t fun anymore. The marshmallow salesman will treat you differently. He won’t give you the attention you desire. I only see Curley a few hours a day and I wanted to be an actress. You can imagine the difference in attention.”
Sally rolled her eyes, “ Well, maybe you should have picked a better man or been a better actress.”
“Excuse you, little missy, I was discovered but my mother held me back. Concerning Curley, I should have waited. I know that, Sally. That’s why I’m urgiung you to think about it more. You are young. You can still turn your life around.”
“You don’t know me. I can handle this,” Sally confidently stated,”I will marry my beloved marshmallow salesmen.”


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